Say it with a song… Lyrics that is

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on November 15, 2023.

Some of my most favorite songs were almost missed due to the beat. Yes you read that correctly the beat not the lyrics. I didn’t listen to songs if the beat wouldn’t grab my attention within 15 to 30 seconds. Let’s not even mention if the visuals weren’t appealing, I definitely was not invested.

That was until one day someone quoted lyrics that were so deep I had to know what song it belonged to. Lyrics that touched my soul deeply because I could relate to the pain or pleasure expressed through every word. It was actually on an album that I possessed. A song that I skipped over multiple times due to the unappealing arrangement of music placed on top of it.

With that being said, most of my post titles will include song titles or lyrics. Song lyrics have the ability to make you feel or evoke emotions you weren’t aware you possessed. I want to tap into those emotions and hopefully unleash ideas that are buried deep inside. That creative side may emerge and produce a masterpiece. 😉

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